I might call her, she who must be obeyed, she devil, or just, she for short. No, I’m not afraid. She for short is a threat to me mostly because I am a threat to her. I am a threat to her. People should really keep their noses clean around me. I’m a notorious tattle tell. She doesn’t know how, to clean her nose.
It has been a while since I added to the game of clue. The time has come to watch my back, and as I have said before, my blog is open to the public, and there are interested parties who read it. Jason has moved along. Don, has found an ally, in a position of power. They discuss books like “The Road,” and she offers that she liked to eat raw meat from the fridge as a child. I asked if her mother told her she would get worms, the way my mother did when I ate raw cookie dough. She wears her makeup differently day to day and I sometimes wonder who she is going to be. I can always be sure, she is another nemesis. She told me so early on. I believed her, but I didn’t suspect she had such a strong link to the Illuminati, NWO, Nazi nuts I have been encountering, until recently. I have had a hard time convincing myself that there might be a link, considering her position.
I might call her, she who must be obeyed, she devil, or just, she for short. No, I’m not afraid. She for short is a threat to me mostly because I am a threat to her. I am a threat to her. People should really keep their noses clean around me. I’m a notorious tattle tell. She doesn’t know how, to clean her nose.
It has taken me some time to respond to the “Search Key Phrases” from my statistic pages from a while back. I received a comment, which I deleted, inviting guests to my blog to join the Illuminati, complete with a link. The link was for a twitter page, @TheIlluminati, in case you are interested. It is “The Illuminati Official Account. Follow the Light,” or so they say. They offer, “Want to join the Illuminati? Click the Link Below!” Now the “Search Key Phrases” in my statistics pages reads, “I want to join the illuminati but I have 1 problem im still young… what am ma supos to do?” I suspect little boys like Jason might be interested in such a link. Youth are so easily caught up in fads that distance them from the establishment. Who am I to neglect to acknowledge how easily young pawns can be snatched up. Who knows how far a young man, like Jason for instance, might go to feel they are moving up in a secret organization. Of course this is a joke, or not. It certainly points out the degree to which the Illuminati is becoming a household word. What does it mean?
Another search keyphrase I have not mentioned yet is, “Nazis secretly infiltrated the republican party at the end of ww2.” Well, duh. Yesterday a man on a bike showed up in my world to inform me that he doesn’t work. He is on disability, he informed me. He wouldn’t say what his disability was. He thanked tax payers for working so that he doesn’t have to. He showed off the fancy biking gloves he took from the store where I was headed. He was clean and wore cloths you wouldn’t find at your local thrift store. He was clearly strong and healthy, at least physically.
From my personal experience, I can assure you it is not easy to qualify for government financial help. Through the experiences of loved ones I know that qualifications are stringent for disability and there are many who should qualify who don’t. This man who came into my world to spread the propaganda that there are sociopaths living off the hardworking taxpayers struggling to make enough to feed themselves is a propagandist. Psychopathology is not a qualifying “disability” unless we are counting the free rent of prisons. What sort of interest might this man have in convincing me, and you, that he is a freeloader? What interest would a group have in convincing tax payers that they should really hate “freeloaders” who need government assistance? There are issues with the capitalist system. The most glaring issue is that the wealthiest 1% are not carrying their fair share of the load. Making those who need help appear to be a burden on the working class serves to turn the masses against those in need, and away from the true sociopathic bums, the wealthiest 1%. Those who have likely paid into the system most of their lives already, some of them in the form of sacrifices made for us in the defense of our nation, deserve our help. We all deserve to know that if we find ourselves in need, the help will be there. Taxes are needed to provide the funding for programs we all need and benefit from. The government should be held accountable for how our taxes are spent however. The Nazi government assumed that the power of their position included deciding who will be helped, and only those loyal to their dictator would be helped. Hitler informed the public that those who did not vote for him would “be the bloody enemy …no more to be helped.” This is too much power. We do not live in a dictatorship. Let’s keep it that way, and hold our government accountable for how our taxes are spent, but those on welfare are not the enemy. Our taxes are not being wasted on psychopaths who feel entitled to live high on the hog on the backs of taxpayers. Propaganda insinuating that immigrants just want to live off the taxpayers and do not love America is another attack coming from the group of Nazis who would love to have us all up in arms against those in need, the disabled, and immigrants running from countries where this fight against evil is being lost. There is nothing wrong with being expected to pay taxes. As a tax payer, I am glad to contribute to programs that make life better for all of us. I am glad to contribute to programs that help those who don’t have work, cannot work, are disabled, who need our help. I do not believe this man with the snazzy biking gloves qualified for disability funds. He may qualify for the free rent of a prison. I am happy to pay for this as well when it is needed. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, even criminals. I do feel however, that the top wealthiest 1% deserve to contribute to the needs of the less fortunate in our country. By the way, as long as we are holding our government accountable for the funds we provide, the Central Intelligence Agency uses confidential fiscal and administrative procedures that make them exempt from the usual limitations on the use of federal funds. The CIA is exempted from disclosing its organization, functions, officials, titles, salaries or number of personnel employed. Radio Liberty, the cover for the Nazis our intelligence agencies recruited, was funded by the CIA’s unvouchered funds. Perhaps this would be a good time to add that I believe that many, if not most CIA agents, are loyal Americans fighting for our best interests. I believe that most police officers are dedicated to the best interest of citizens. I believe that most doctors, politicians…. We cannot fight this war by assuming that there is a category of citizens who are exempt from evil, or innocents. When I first published my book I had an interesting experience. I tried to write the word “intellectual” in a text message and it kept auto correcting it and replacing it with “schadenfreude.” Not only are the two words nothing like one another, they are not even in the same language. Still, every time I erased and started again with the word “intellectual,” spelled correctly, it would auto correct to “schadenfreude.” I looked up the meaning of the obviously German word. It means to gloat over someone else’s misfortune.
Yesterday morning I opened the front door to find a can of “chaffing fuel” on the door step. It had been burned to empty. Next to it was a small straight stick, about four inches long, cut sharply at both ends. I recognized the leftovers from a spell. I have worked with Pagan circles. There is light magic and there is black magic. Given that no one had my permission to leave their “chaffing fuel” on the doorstep, I am not inclined to believe that it was the product of light workers. Witchcraft and malicious Germans have quite a lot to do with my book. Regardless of whether you believe in the power of witchcraft and voodoo spells, those engaged in the dark activity of torturing and manipulating the minds of children to create mind controlled slaves do, believe in dark magic. My Pagan mentor believed there are those engaged in black magic and taught me to protect myself. She taught me to build a shield around myself. I learned about smudging with white sage. The movie “Willow” is a cute little fictional children’s tale, but the battle between Willow and the dark witch is in general a good display of how a white witch might battle a dark witch, but the magic is metaphor and the stuff of energy and dreams. Then again both a black witch and a light worker will tell you that the stuff dreams are made of are very real indeed. We all do magic all the time, both dark and light. When you spew hatred and wishes of bad luck you are working dark magic. If you wish someone well you are sending them positive healing energy. I was not inclined to believe the “chaffing fuel” was friendly, whether they were just teasing or not, and so like Willow, I sent the energy back, so to speak. Magic is about being creative. You can think up responses to magic for yourself. “I’m rubber. You’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you,” was a sort of defensive response to dark magic. You can learn to build a light shield around yourself. I literally built a personal shield which I can hang on my wall. Do you have an animal you feel is your totem? A representation of that animal may be a protective companion. Mirrors are wonderful tools…. Given my recent post exposing some sort of covert messaging in my “Key phrases” stats page suggesting a witch hunt is in order, I think it is a fine idea to acknowledge my references regarding my Pagan mentor and respect for those who suffered and were burned in what they call “the burning times” as witches. They were Pagans. Their beliefs were Earth based much like the Native Americans. They believed in fairy folk and elementals. They were peace loving people connected closely to the changing of seasons as their lives revolved around the harvest. They were peasants. Their traditions and beliefs were much older than the new Christian religion that marched through raping and pillaging and burning them at the stake for being “heathens” which literally meant none believer, or “witches” a mispronunciation of Wiccan. Oh, they believed. They just didn’t believe in the religion of the organized crime ring calling themselves Christians, until they realized that they had to or be tortured and killed. There is black magic, and there is white. Regardless of whether you believe in the power of working with the elements in metaphoric representation of energies, it is good to know that others do and decide for yourself how best to respond to it. Those who do believe in the power of magic are working their magic, both dark and light, in the real world. Some are leaving burned “chaffing fuel” on doorsteps. Some are actively engaging in evil in the world. Some are lighting white candles to send compassion and healing. Others are actively engaging in wonderful works of kindness. Whether you are a believer in magic, or not, you would do well to choose your side, dark or light. Those calling themselves “Christians” during the burning times, were clearly engaged in black magic. By the way, I would have followed Jesus around like a faithful puppy if I had lived during his time, but I don’t believe he is what the Catholic Church made him out to be. I certainly do not believe he would have approved of the atrocities committed in his name. Jesus was the Jewish king. He should have been allowed to lead his people. I would have stood by him in his quest for that right. I would categorize Jesus as a light worker, but the Popes that led wars as black magicians. The latest search key phrase reads "Domestic violence shelters infiltrated by Satanists." It's interesting, the first day I ever met Colonel Mustard, I told him all about the book I was writing, and he told me that he too was a survivor. He informed me that he had been diagnosed a sociopath and that he could help me by informing me how a sociopath thinks. I suggested that survivors could turn to rape crisis counselors. That is after all, where I first met a survivor, through rape crisis counselor training. Colonel Mustard assured me that as a sociopath he would think to infiltrate the crisis centers. Survivors can be found there. I have been planning to post a piece about where these buggers hide. It also has everything to do with what type of government to expect and to counter with. I haven't had a lot of time since I have been so tied to surviving myself lately. In short, they are everywhere. They utilize every profession. They are nurses, forced to give their daughters IV's or watch them suffer, conscious during their abuse (If you recall). They are police officers, judges, CIA agents, politicians, morticians, rape crisis counselors.... and they are not.... I will get to it. Stay tuned.
I came across a petition seeking the right for a girl who is a minor to choose to die, rather than accept needed medical treatment for a curable condition. Her mother argued for the right for the girl to choose death as well. I could not help but think of my niece. She has type 1 diabetes and would not live long without treatment. There was a point in time that my brother took it upon himself to engage in a sort of faith healing mixed with a tidbit of what he knew about nutrition and decided to take her off her insulin. It nearly killed her.
Children do what their parents persuade them to do, and are rarely given the option to voice an alternate opinion. It would be far too easy for the cult in question to dispose of an asset, like my niece. I have wondered if my niece’s diabetes was not intentionally created. I realize it may sound a bit farfetched, but under the circumstances, I’m not so sure it is. The diabetes my niece lives with every day is a very powerful tool of manipulation. She does not really have the option to run; does she? Her parents drill into her head daily just how dependent she is on her mother for her very life. While I hate to be the one to argue that there are cases in which parental rights should be seriously called into question, I am. Given the life experience I have had, the concept of “It takes a village to raise a child” seems most reasonable and responsible for a society hoping to address an evil that has used the structure of the family unit to hide their activities. It is sometimes interesting to notice the keyphrases used in searches for my website. Today I found the phrase: “we demand that roman law which serves a materialist ordering of the world be replaced by German common law.” I suspect that there are folks interested in establishing some sort of “German Common Law” who are interested in my website. I suspect that “German Common Law” might be a more revealing keyphrase to use than “New World Order” in describing the type of government the Illuminati are interested in establishing. What do you think?
The phrase: “witchcraft workers that have talks about near death experiences” was also used. I can’t quite tell what the connection might be to my site, but the tone of “witchcraft workers” doesn’t sound too friendly, does it? I certainly hope there isn’t a witch hunt I should be concerned about. Illuminati “Christians” who have been mesmerized into believing that everyone must die, because God said so, are a bit scary. The Vow of the Buddha goes like this: “For as long as space endures, And for as long as living beings remain, Until then may I too abide. To dispel the misery of the world.”
The 13th Dalai Lama says that this is his favorite prayer. He is one iron clad Bodhisattva. From the movie “The Razors Edge” with Bill Murray, I think of the quote, “Oh no my son, enlightenment is like walking the razors edge.” Ignorance creates suffering beyond endurance. Thank you you’re holiness, for sticking around to demonstrate a better way. I would just leave the ignorant to their ignorance, if I could take all the innocents with me. I asked the Dalai Lama if he could show me where all the innocents were. He hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I’ll let you know if he does. Trigger Warning ---
This has been a hard Christmas for me. I have heard from enough survivors to know that the holidays can be a nightmare. It always brings up memories or emotions associated with the horrific rituals they were subjected to during these times. I have heard from enough survivors to know that the ritual that takes place during Christmas involves the sacrifice of a fetus/infant representing the Christ child. I had a survivor very concerned when she heard that my niece was turning 13. She said that 13 is when they impregnate girls and sacrifice the fetus. It had happened to her. My niece will be 15 now. I am not a survivor in the same way. I do not have these memories, and so I don’t always consider myself to be a survivor. The knowledge that my family, my niece, is still trapped in this nightmare is sometimes more than I can bare. I am beginning to share the feelings of some survivors around the holidays, if only survivors guilt. They, we, have a hard time responding to wishes of “Merry Christmas” without wanting to scream, “Wake up! Christmas is anything but Merry! Christmas is a nightmare! It will never be Merry until it is Merry for everyone!” Or something to that affect. I would prefer to be happy and wish joy and good tidings during the holidays, but it’s hard to feel left out of the joy and good tidings. It’s hard to be so aware of suffering. I look forward to a Christmas when everyone is assured that they and their loved ones are safe, loved and comfortable. I received a comment on my book review of Trance Formation by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips. My concerns regarding the book were confirmed by a man who responded to my review. His daughter is now a victim of Mark Phillips' mind control. He provided a link to his blog. https://millerfamilyblogging.wordpress.com/
AuthorMikhayla Gracey Archives
June 2018